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User Guide


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Duke is an application that can help you to manage tasks. It supports saving, editing, deleting and displaying tasks using simple commands.

Quick Start

Prerequisites: Java 11 or later installed.

  1. Download the latest version of Duke (a jar file) from the website.
  2. Copy the jar file to the directory you want to use as the home directory for the application.
  3. Double click the jar file or enter java -jar duke.jar in console to run the program.
  4. The window shown above should appear.
  5. Well done! Now you can start using Duke!


Creating a new ToDo task: todo

Format: todo <task description>

Example: todo read book

Expected outcome: Todo task created if there is no duplications.

Creating a new Event task: event

Format: event <task description> /at <time>

Example: event have dinner /at 18:00

Expected outcome: Event task created if there is no duplications.

Creating a new Deadline task: deadline

Format: deadline <task description> /by <time>

Example: deadline return book /by next Firday

Expected outcome: Deadline task created if there is no duplications.

Listing current tasks: list

Format: list

Example: list

Expected outcome: A list of current tasks shown.

Deleting a task using an index: delete

Format: delete <task index>

Example: delete 1

Expected outcome: The task with the given index is deleted.

Tagging a task: tag

Format: tag <task index> <tag>

Example: tag 2 This is a tag...

Expected outcome: The task with the given index is tagged with the input tag string.

Removing the tag of a task: untag

Format: untag <task index>

Example: untag 2

Expected outcome: The tag of the task with the given index is removed.

Marking a task as done: done

Format: done <task index>

Example: done 3

Expected outcome: The task with the given index is marked as done.

Finding tasks using a keyword: find

(The keyword does not have to be a word)

Format: find <keyword>

Example: find re

Expected outcome: All tasks that contains the keyword in their description are shown.

Showing all available commands: help

Format: help

Example: help

Expected outcome: Descriptions and formats of all commands are shown.

Exiting the application: bye

Format: bye

Example: bye

Expected outcome: All current tasks are saved, and the application ends.

Showing the table of current tasks

Method: Click View -> Task List...

Expected outcome: A window containing the table of tasks pops up.

Showing the table of all commands

Method: Click Help -> Commands...

Expected outcome: A window containing the table of all commands pops up.

Saving Task Data

3 Ways of Saving Task Data in Duke

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