Duke is an application that can help you to manage tasks. It supports saving, editing, deleting and displaying tasks using simple commands.
Prerequisites: Java 11 or later installed.
(a jar file)
from the website.Double click
the jar file or enter java -jar duke.jar
in console to run the program.todo
Format: todo <task description>
Example: todo read book
Expected outcome: Todo task created if there is no duplications.
Format: event <task description> /at <time>
Example: event have dinner /at 18:00
Expected outcome: Event task created if there is no duplications.
Format: deadline <task description> /by <time>
Example: deadline return book /by next Firday
Expected outcome: Deadline task created if there is no duplications.
Format: list
Example: list
Expected outcome: A list of current tasks shown.
Format: delete <task index>
Example: delete 1
Expected outcome: The task with the given index is deleted.
Format: tag <task index> <tag>
Example: tag 2 This is a tag...
Expected outcome: The task with the given index is tagged with the input tag string.
Format: untag <task index>
Example: untag 2
Expected outcome: The tag of the task with the given index is removed.
Format: done <task index>
Example: done 3
Expected outcome: The task with the given index is marked as done.
(The keyword does not have to be a word)
Format: find <keyword>
Example: find re
Expected outcome: All tasks that contains the keyword in their description are shown.
Format: help
Example: help
Expected outcome: Descriptions and formats of all commands are shown.
Format: bye
Example: bye
Expected outcome: All current tasks are saved, and the application ends.
Method: Click View
-> Task List...
Expected outcome: A window containing the table of tasks pops up.
Method: Click Help
-> Commands...
Expected outcome: A window containing the table of all commands pops up.
3 Ways of Saving Task Data in Duke
-> Save
in Exit window.bye
to exit the application.